Welcome to the California DUI Lawyers AssociationHome of the Top DUI Attorneys in CaliforniaCalifornia DUI Lawyers Association (CDLA) is a non-profit organization with 350+ members. CDLA is believed to be one of the oldest impaired driving defense bar associations in the United States. Collectively, our members represent thousands of citizens accused of driving under the influence and related offenses each year and are committed to zealously defending their clients. CDLA is dedicated to assisting its members to ensure that those accused of driving under the influence crimes are justly treated. CDLA regularly sponsors Continuing Legal Education seminars pertaining to DUI related matters throughout California. CDLA has been an Amicus Curiae in the Court of Appeal, in the California Supreme Court, and in the United States Supreme Court in cases involving significant issues in DUI matters. CDLA has also pioneered efforts in the courts in the pursuit of fairness in DMV hearings for California drivers. Benefits of CDLA MembershipAll our members emphasize, in their respective criminal defense practices, defending citizens who are accused of driving under the influence and related cases. The collective knowledge our membership is vast. We have members who have argued before the Supreme Court, written numerous appellate briefs, presented, and lectured to attorneys from all over the United States on various aspects of DUI law, and generally are the most well versed in DUI defense than the general criminal defense bar of California. Join TodayOn-Demand WebinarsCDLA members have access to our on-demand webinars, all offered at no cost . All CDLA webinars are eligible for MCLE credit. Continue Reading |